
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And the game is afoot! This course begins my final semester at Union Presbyterian Seminary. This journey began in the fall of 2006 and has wound thru many gullies and ventured upon mountain tops.
The purpose of this blog is to communicate my progress, insight and application of the use of dynamic media for the furthering of God's Kingdom here on earth. I imagine that my first assignement would be to define what "the furthering of God's Kingdom here on earth" means.
My initial response addresses Jesus' instruction for us to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" from Matthew 28:19. This instruction involves so much more than just standing on a street corner passing out pamphlets of doom and gloom. To be a disciple is to be a student... to sit at the master's feet. I imagine an important part of this seminary course is not just how to get the students seated, but what to teach them once you have their attention.

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